The court DECLARES that there does exist a defined right-of-way as stated in deed of Staples to Bernard, Knox County Registry of Deeds Book 326, Page 190, and conveyed to defendants by Knox County Registry of Deeds, Book 1774, Page 16, and Book 1784, Page 224, as located on Exploration Location Plan dated 5/11/01 by Summit Engineering Services;
it is FURTHER DECLARED that defendants may utilize the existing right-of-way and a reasonable extension thereof consistent with the terms of the right-of-way as outlined in Sketch Plan for Jules and Pat Bernard, Route 1, Rockport, Maine, Knox County, July 13, 2001, by Landmark Corporation; said right-of-way must remain as a graveled road with no more than 10 1/2 inches of gravel bed with any utilities to be underground within the limit of disturbance of the proposed driveway; defendants are enjoined from paving said driveway by creating any surface other than the 10 1/2 gravel bed at a width not to exceed 9 feet.